Archive for June, 2012

YWCA Summer Programs

June 5, 2012

NIA Summer Program:  This is a FREE 8-week summer program, sponsored by the YWCA, for young women, ages 14-17, who are currently in foster care.  The location is at the YWCA which is:  4019 Prospect Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44103. 


TODAY:  The TODAY (Together Opening Doors for Awesome Youth) program is a FREE 8-week health and wellness girls-only program (ages 11-15) that focuses on reducing chronic illness and unhealthy lifestyle choices through self-empowerment building activities, discussions, and lessons.  There is a wide variety of incentives included in the TODAY program, a variety of health partners that assist us with bringing the program to life and best of all, it is FREE to all participants and partnering agencies!!  All we need is the space and a captive audience for the summer!  Please call Selina at, (216) 881-6878 ext. 228 if you are interested in bringing the TODAY program to your summer group!!


Camp Create

June 5, 2012

CAMP CREATE is a children’s day camp for girls
and boys, ages 7 to 12, who have experienced
or witnessed violence. This week-long camp will
rely on expressive therapies such as art making,
movement, writing, drama and music to provide
a safe, supportive and nurturing environment.
Camp Create offers structured activities that
incorporate the five senses, while addressing
common topics familiar to children survivors
such as safety, boundaries, anger, guilt, loss
and self-esteem.

Camp Create is a safe space for children
who have survived trauma to have fun, make
friends and experience that they are not alone.
Children will have opportunities to share
and grow throughout this creative week
of exploration through the 5 senses.

Each day of camp includes healthy morning
snacks and lunches. The camp will be facilitated
by a team of therapists, educators, and
advocates from the Cleveland Rape Crisis
Center. There is no cost to participate.

Dates: July 9th-13th, 2012
Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm
Location: Lakewood Park Women’s Pavilion
14532 Lake Avenue
(Corner of Belle Avenue and Lake Avenue)

For information or to register,
call 216-619-6194 x 141
or visit